About Our Flight Schools

Why we are here

After years of flying from general aviation to charter and airlines we have had a lot of exposure to the aviation community. With that exposure we decided that we wanted to be a part of making aviation better. And what better way than to train better pilots?

Our training is structured yet flexible and follows a very similar track to those the airlines use. This really helps pilot looking to make this a career but also brings the level of professionalism and quality of instruction to the general aviation pilot. With safe aircraft and experienced instructors are just a phone call away, there are no excuses to learn!

Join us and experience the difference at Aviator Zone Academy.

Our Mission Statement

To provide quality instruction to all pilots.

Our Vision Statement

Continue to promote aviation thru quality instruction, focused on customers. Using advanced technologies and laser focused objectives in order to increase our training efficiency.

FAA 141 Certificate.png
Flight Training Experience Leader 2020

Proud Member of:

Flight School Association of North America

Miami Executive Location - KTMB


North Perry Location - KHWO