Thank You for 5 Years

The Beginning

Five years ago, our founders’ vision took flight when Aviator Zone Academy opened its doors to aspiring aviators. Founded in the belief that the sky is not the limit, but the beginning, we set out to redefine aviation education. From day one, our focus was on fostering a passion for aviation, coupled with cutting-edge training methodologies, and the motto “Kaizen” adopted from Toyota’s assembly line, meaning continuous small improvements.

We started in a small office at Miami Executive Airport which we soon outgrew and moved to our current facility located at Signature Flight Support.

Student Success Stories

The success of any educational institution lies in its students’ accomplishments. We at Aviator Zone Academy take pride in the success stories of our graduates who are now soaring through the skies, piloting commercial flights, conducting rescue missions, and contributing to the advancement of aviation in various capacities. These stories are a testament to our Academy's commitment to nurturing talent and empowering individuals to reach new heights.

Sharing the cockpit with a former student is an experience that although repeated, remains as emotional as the first time.

Our Celebration

Our team celebrated 5 years this past week.

Three of our members were recognized as we established three new awards this year. The first of these awards was “Admin of the Year”, awarded to Brayan Abreu.

The second award was “Flight Instructor of the Year”, presented to Joaquin Celestino in recognition of his teaching, commitment to safety, and professionalism.

Our maintenance department leader, Victor Ponce, was recognized for his commitment to safety and dedication to aviation.

We also bestowed Signature Flight Support - TMB with “Best FBO of the Year” to in appreciation of their continued support for mission and excellent service to our organization.

Looking Ahead

We look forward to bringing more aviators to the community. In 2024 we expect delivery of two brand new Cessna 172S with Garmin G1000 avionics and anticipate the grant of VA funds to serve military personnel, among other exciting events which we can’t yet share.

We thank you all for being part of our organization and look forward to another great year of growth for everyone.


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